Tuesday, March 25, 2008


And just when I thought life couldn't get any crazier...meet today and tomorrow. Today I woke up calling the doctor. This thing with Joel has just gone on too long and I told them I am not comfortable waiting any longer. What prompted this? Blood in his diaper again last night. He has been having blood in most of his diapers. What happened over the last week, you ask. Last Thursday I called the doctor about his urine and the blood in the diapers. He said that he wanted to test the urine that day, so we did that. It showed moderate blood and I think some white blood cells, so they sent it out to be cultured. They told me to come back next Thursday to test it again and if it showed blood then they would order blood work. Well, we are still waiting on the results of the culture. Today the nurse practitioner said the lab had the results but they were still working on getting the lab to fax the results to them. (I hate waiting games! Especially when it comes to my baby!) So, back to this morning. The doctor said they needed to see Joel. So after doing school with Jonny, Floor Time Therapy with one of Joel's Hope therapists, and feeding the kids lunch, we were off the doctor. Me and the whole gang. It's kinda interesting to watch peoples reaction when I walk into a room herding three little boys, some people raise their eyebrows and look away and others watch us and chuckle under their breath. One lady even commented to her son and we walked by that this is how it looked when him and his brother and sister where little. The nurse practitioner was great. She ordered a renal ultrasound. (This isn't as bad as it sounds...it just means an ultrasound of his kidneys. TSC can cause benign tumors to grow on any of his vital organs so it is important to check for this among other things.) She also order a bunch of blood work including blood sugar level, so it has to be a fasting blood draw. Because of this we are going in tomorrow morning to get it drawn. As soon as we got home from the doctor I made brownies for my dad's birthday celebration which was tonight, got everyone ready for the party and went. Everybody had a great time and we didn't get home until 10:15pm. Way past their bed times. Shhh, don't tell Daddy. He's working in El Centro again. So, once again I am single moming it this week. The great thing this week is he should be home tomorrow night as they are finishing that job. Yeahhhhh! :) :) :) :) Bedtime went surprisingly well for it being so late and being a bath night and me having to do it all by myself. Joel gets his anti-seizure meds at night so it makes the whole bed-time routine a little harder. After they were all in bed I cleaned the entire kitchen. :) Even though I am exhausted, the kitchen is sparkling clean. :) Tomorrow morning I start the craziness all over again. What do I have on my plate? Joel's blood work at 8:30. My heart ultrasound at 9:30. The kids breakfast and Jonny and Jason's school. Lunch. Joel's occupational therapy (40 minute drive one-way) at 1:00. Jonny's piano lesson at 2:00. (Which reminds me that he needs to practice in the morning, too.) Hopefully after all this I will get a nap (which I will desperately need) before I cook a special dinner for Isaac since he is coming home after me not seeing him since Sunday (which feels like an eternity ago). It may not sound like much to you, but add in three little boys putting kinks into my plans by getting hurt, a little fighting, insisting they get THEIR own way...you get the point. Anyways, I know I will hit the ground running in the morning and not stop until I hit my pillow at night (or hopefully that nap I am going to try for :}). If you are still with me reading at this point, I applaud you for sticking with it. :) I know this has been a long post. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about us enough to keep checking back here and for those of you praying for us...God BLESS you! We definitely need all the prayer we can get! I will do my best to post an update on anything I might find out tomorrow about Joel or my heart. It will probably be evening before I get to sit down at the computer. Good night my friends, I better get some sleep before tomorrow comes! Annie

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