Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My 4 year old, Jason

This is my sweet four-year-old, Jason. Today Jason saw Joel's neurologist, Dr. Nespeca. (By the way, for anyone looking for a pediatric neurologist in the San Diego area, Dr. Nespeca is the best here.) Anyway, Jason saw Dr. Nespeca because he has been having a lot of headaches the last couple years. They have been increasing lately and with Joel having TSC there is a possibility that Jason has it as well. (TSC can cause non-cancerous tumors in the ventricles of the brain that can become a problem if they grow and block the flow of fluid. This could cause headaches which is why he needs to be tested.) I don't like to even think about Jason possibly having TS, but for his safety the possibility has to be explored. Dr. Nespeca said neurologically Jason is right on track, but because of the headaches Jason needs a MRI. This involves anesthesia which can be dangerous for little ones. Before the MRI appointment can be scheduled the insurance has to approve it, so the appointment will probably be about two months from now. I will let you know when we have an appointment date so you can be praying. I really appreciate all your prayers. It is only by prayers that we have made it through the last two years. Please pray that Jason's headaches will disappear and we will find the cause. Also, that if he is just pretending to have headaches to get attention, that we would have a way of knowing (it is so hard to tell with a 4-year-old, especially one who has a special needs brother who gets a lot of extra attention when he doesn't feel good.) The other prayer we REALLY need is that Jason would NOT have TSC and that I could stop worrying about my other children. I know that worrying is a sin and I try really hard not to but once in a while I have this nagging thought..."What if?"

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