Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Birthday, Joel!

“A very special little gift sent down from heaven above
sweetened with laughter, sprinkled with joy
securely wrapped up with love.”
~ Author Unknown

Our sweet baby Joel is two years old today and is doing better than ever!!! We had a family dinner to celebrate his birthday/life. Uncle Tom and Aunt Dori came. Great-grandma was even there.

After dinner Joel opened his gifts.
It took some work to keep him interested in gift opening.
Below, Joel is in deep concentration playing with a toy.
Joel loves to play with Aunt Dori!
Amy stopped by to see Joel. She is a very close friend of mine who
actually ended up delivering Joel.
You can see Joel thinking: "candles or cake?"Joel decided he'd go for the sweet stuff.He loves chocolate!The cake was gone in a heartbeat with a smile left in it's place.Jonny said "Aw, Joel got cake on my forehead.""But I still love you, brother"At the end of the night Joel was a tired mess, so he was whisked
off to a bath and then bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures make me wish we'd cut our vacation short, taking 3 days instead of 10, so that we too could have shared in his actual birthday. Our littlest grandson is indeed a cutie!
Love, Grammy