Saturday, October 6, 2007

My new business (or do I mean busyness?)

Joel has a cold so that is why I haven't had time to post lately. On top of that I have started a new business this past week - I am an independent consultant for Heritage Makers. It is a wonderful company and their goal is to strengthen families so it is something I am proud to be doing while really enjoying it. This week has been mostly set up. I will be posting more about my exciting new part-time career when I have more time. The reason for adding this job to my already insane schedule/life is that with Isaac out of work so much this year and all of Joel's medical expenses the past two years we have gotten ourselves into debt. Isaac wanted to get a part-time job to start paying it off and I didn't want him gone more than he already is. Most of my new work can be done from home, so the kids don't lose any time with either of us. Please pray that this goes well for me. Adding a new part-time job to my very busy schedule basically means I don't have time for anything but necessities like kids, church, school, doctors, therapists, business, dishes, cleaning, and laundry (which I am getting really behind on.) Did I mention that Isaac started his new job last Monday? We are so pleased to have him working again. He is on a demolition crew and has been working a jack-hammer and moving cement chunks all week. Add to this he has a daily drive of 3 hours. Poor guy has been coming home in the evenings with no energy left. Since Isaac isn't home much anymore and has no energy when he is home, I have taken on a lot more around the house. I am praying God will provide me the strength to continue doing everything to His glory. I will try to be better about blogging more, the day just needs to be longer than 24 hours.

1 comment:

Tom said...

All of that is great news... It must feel great for Isaac to be working again.

Good luck with Heritage Makers!