Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, Jason!!!

I can't believe you're five today. You are growing up so fast and I love the young man you're becoming. You have such a sweet spirit and I love how you love to have fun. You're giggle makes everyone around you light up with huge smiles and joy. Your brothers love you and enjoy playing with you. I love how you guys are such good friends and how well you get along. My prayer for you is that you will continue to love the Lord with all your heart and that you will hunger to learn more about Him as you grow. God blessed me and Daddy so much when he gave you to us. I thank him every day for you. I am enjoying watching you become more adventurous, outgoing, and imaginative. I hope you had a great day today. I'm looking forward to your first train ride and the beach on Saturday.

Love, Mama
Note: We had a fun day today spending time as a family, then we had a special family dinner. Our tradition is the birthday boy (or girl) gets to choose their favorite food for their birthday dinner. Jason chose KFC and brownies. I would have preferred to cook something, but that's what he wanted. On Saturday we will finish his birthday celebration. We have another tradition we started with Jonny. Each child gets his first train ride on their fifth birthday then afterwards we take a picnic to the park or beach. Jason wanted the beach with sand and since Jonny currently has a cast on his ankle and can't go in the sand we modified our plans from going to a beach on Coronado to going to La Jolla Shores. La Jolla Shores is a great beach that has a grassy park-like area as well as sand and swimming. It's a wonderful beach for little guys because it's shallow for quite far out and it has nice sand (not too rocky). We are all super looking forward to Saturday. My mom and dad will spend the day with us. Happy birthday, Jason! We love you!


Ang said...

your children are too beautiful. may God help you get your message out.

FiveGreers said...

Hi from the Greer Family,
I noticed in one of your pictures a picture of your son with Dorinda. I had no idea you were related. We have know her since she was a girl! We also know many other families in common.
We live in Bonsall. You can reply to this post by checking out our blog.
Hope to hear from you!